
The Eyes Have It

Earlier this week, Therese joined #TheEyesHaveIt at Westminster Eye Health Day.

Therese Backs British Farmers at NFU Meeting

Therese met the President of the NFU, Minette Batters at the National Farmers Union Christmas Reception yesterday. Therese is continuing to back farmers, including by introducing tougher legislation to tackle livestock worrying. More information here.

Therese Presents Livestock Protection Bill

Therese was pleased to present the Dogs (Protection of Livestock) (Amendment) Bill on the floor of the House of Commons earlier this evening on behalf of the government. The Bill makes provisions for changing the law about the offence of livestock worrying, including changes to what constitutes an

Therese Celebrates Morrisons' Online Support for British Farmers

Therese visited Morrisons in Felixstowe recently to thank Morrisons Supermarkets for responding so positively to Dr Luke Evans MP’s excellent campaign for clearer signposting to British produce for customers who shop online, which she was pleased to support when she was Environment Secretary. There

Felixstowe's Blue Flag Beaches

Therese was in Felixstowe today to celebrate the great news that the town's blue flag beaches have, once again, been rated excellent in the 2023 bathing water classifications released last week.

Therese Backs Fuel Poverty Awareness Day

Therese is backing National Energy Action’s Fuel Poverty Awareness Day, to shine a light on the cost of energy, particularly in rural areas.

Therese meets founder of Southwold company at Amazon Exporting Event

Last week, Therese attended an Amazon event in Parliament to celebrate small businesses that have started exporting on their platform over the last 25 years. Therese said: "It was especially great to meet, Audrey Buck, the founder of Easyblinds International Limited, a blackout blind business based